Crash Test For Family Capital


What will happen if a wealthy person suddenly loses the ability to act right now?*

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Of capital owners opt for unreliable methods to store information on their assets and capital


Of capital owners think that family members will not comprehend the information about the assets


Of capital owners doubt that professionals and third parties will fulfill obligations properly


Of capital owners make no effort to eliminate information asymmetry. Their families don’t have access to all vital asset details


Of capital owners believe that it will be impossible for the family to take the possession of the assets

– $340K per $1M

Is lost on average by each family in the risk group

*According to data from Penguin Analytics research (18 countries, 13 500 respondents)

This test is based on a mathematical model built on scientific game theory and Penguin Analytics statistics

What percentage of capital and assets do you think your family will preserve?
