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Yan’s Notes32

Open Archival Information System

The Architecture of OwnerOne is Compatible with all ISO 14721:2012 Requirements



system has been developed to meet all requirements of the ISO 14721 standard (OAIS — Open Archival Information System), ensuring long-term storage and accessibility of user data. The following core functions and processes within our system reflect full compliance with the standard and are designed to protect and preserve data over time.

Key ISO 14721 Elements Supported by the OwnerOne System:

1. Overall OAIS Model

Our system follows the OAIS structure, providing a foundation for long-term data access and preservation regardless of changes in technology or infrastructure.

2. Functional Components Aligned with OAIS Standards

  • Ingest:

    The system includes a robust process for data intake, covering validation, format conversion, and preparation for storage to ensure data integrity and availability.
  • Archival Storage:

    A reliable storage mechanism supports multi-tier backup and media refreshment, safeguarding data for the long term.
  • Data Management:

    Efficient data organization and quick retrieval are enabled by an advanced metadata system with unique identifiers.
  • Administration:

    Our internal administrative controls monitor and manage all archiving processes, including routine audits and performance reporting.
  • Access:

    Users have easy, secure access to archived information through search, view, and access management features.
  • Preservation Planning:

    Preservation strategies and technology updates support data longevity, including regular format updates and loss prevention methods.

3. Information Model as Defined by OAIS

  • Information Objects:

    Each information object contains both primary data and metadata, supporting complete restoration and data structuring.
  • Information Packages:

    Information packages streamline storage and retrieval, ensuring compliance with OAIS requirements.

4. Metadata and Context Management

Metadata in the system provides essential context for understanding and working with data, addressing administrative, technical, and content characteristics.

5. Requirements for Long-Term Storage and Preservation

The system supports the conditions needed for long-term data preservation, including periodic updates and risk management, to maintain data resilience over time.

6. User Interaction and Quality Assurance

  • Users can effectively interact with archived data, with assurances of data integrity and completeness.
  • Quality checks are conducted regularly to ensure data reliability and minimize errors.
ISO 14721:2012