Yan from Owner.One
81.6% of capital owners do not share details about assets with their family members. They view early disclosure as risky, while understanding that late disclosure is simply impossible. It is based on 'Penguin Analytics, research of 13 500 respondents from 18 countries, with Net Worth from $3 million to $99 million. In the event of an emergency, conveying all necessary details to family members can be challenging or impossible. Many believe that existing methods are either unreliable or cumbersome. However, the solution can be simple: grab a sheet of paper and a black marker. Write down a list of your assets, capital, and their locations. Make several copies of this document. Use a black marker to obscure different parts of the information on each copy (this can also be done digitally in MS Word). To ensure the information cannot be read through the redactions, photocopy these documents again. Distribute the lists to different family members. Now, your family has crucial information that they can use in a critical moment, but they will need to come together to combine the pieces of the puzzle. Risks: this method is not perfect, but is certainly better than having no plan at all. It works best if the family members are in reasonably good relationships with each other.