About us

Owner.One provides capital owners with the ability to keep their assets ready for transfer to their family members at any moment. The transfers will be triggered automatically only when or if something happens, ensuring that family members receive all required information not sooner, not later, – but precisely just-in-time. No third parties: no one can access private information or intervene in the transfer procedures outlined by the capital owner. Clients fully own all information about their capital and assets, storing it on their proprietary servers. Owner.One is just a browser, facilitating upload and download of data. Owner.One started as a family & friends project. As interest increased, it expanded to benefit capital owners globally. And our 2023 research had a huge response. We recommend that you study it, because it includes opinions and problems of people just like you.

Key figures. July 2024

13 500 owners

of capitals from $3M to $99M participated in our research

18 countries

of Owner.One clients

$2.81 billion

total assets under ownership (AUO) by families using Owner.One*

2 months

Average time on the Waitlist. Instant purchase is still not available

100% families

use MyHub – independent server in clients property, one of the core Owner.One features. All client information is stored not in the app, but on the client’s servers

36% of clients

launched a MyHub within the 1st month of using Owner.One, and another 64% after 1 month

$2.71 million

Minimum amount of capital and assets of one family in Owner.One*

97.91% exclusion

of third parties and elimination of the risk of fraud

311 families

use Owner.One


The project was founded

$214.8 million

The largest amount of capital and assets of one family in Owner.One*

35 transfers

of assets data executed within Owner.One

1 549 family members

use Owner.One

$27.4 million

The average amount of capital and assets of one family in Owner.One**

3 114 families

have joined the Owner.One Waitlist

7 345 algorithms

for capital and assets data transfer to family members, set up in Owner.One with triggers - events or dates

21 745 assets

assets completed by clients in the system

78 professionals

from 9 countries are the Owner.One’s team

17% growth

monthly rate of Owner.One in the amount of families using it

0 limits

Owner.One imposes no restrictions on the number of assets, family members, and documents

3 198 times

Owner.One clients have used the test button to ensure the transfer works

62% of clients

have capital and assets from $3M to $30M*

35% of clients

have capital and assets from $30M to $99M*

3% of clients

have capital and assets more than $100M*

6 days

it takes after reading Penguin Analytics to install Owner.One

27% of clients

joined Owner.One on recommendation from wives and children

3 minutes

takes to add a family member to your account

97% of clients

contribute up to 94% of their important assets and capital into the program*

94 seconds

Or less is needed to transfer asset and capital data directly to an assigned person in case of algorithm’s triggers

99.94% efficiency

of capital information transfer

6 and 10 people

On average, capital owners add 6 family members and 10 external people

74% of clients

use Owner.One as a main tool to transfer asset information to their families

7 minutes

it takes to add basic asset information, create an account for a family member, and set up transfer algorithm in case of an emergency

26% of clients

use Owner.One as duplicate channel to transfer information to the family, needed for control any third parties

14 families only

disconnected their own servers from Owner.One and canceled subscriptions in 2024

63% of clients

run in-app tests with children and spouses to make sure everything works

6 founders

46 years old, 35, 4, 3, 2, and 1 year old

1 and 1

If you have already read our real story, then you understand us

0 kb

of our clients’ data we know

Your information – your ownership on your own MyHub from the first day of using Owner.One till forever

4 minutes

required to disconnect client’s own server from Owner.One at any time, while retaining all information on self-side


single infrastructure for capital owners and families. This is Owner.One


*Client’s data is not available to Owner.One, however, similar data is obtained through in-app surveys.

**The 10% of families with the largest amount of capital and the 10% of families with the least amount of capital were excluded from the calculation.