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Yan’s Notes33

Follow the trail


Yan from Owner.One

You’ve sent a payment to another country, and it’s taking a long time to reach its destination — this is a common scenario. People check the status of the payment with the sending bank, not realizing that there can be at least four intermediaries involved in the payment chain. If any bank in this chain holds the payment longer than usual, it’s highly likely that you’ll be required to provide more detailed KYC (Know Your Customer) data next time, even if the payment goes through this time. To be prepared and to track your transactions, you can use services to monitor SWIFT payments. These services track the status of your cross-border transactions in real time and notify you of any delays. You can subscribe to paid versions or use free alternatives available online or through Telegram bots. If you don’t want to spend time on this, you can delegate the task to assistant, who can also monitor the transactions. However, keep in mind the risk of disclosing confidential information, as the data will show either the amount or the purpose of the transaction. Additionally, a major drawback of these services is that they provide data only in real time and do not maintain statistics for individuals.


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